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Publications by Jana Möller-Herm (née Möller)

Jana Möller-Herm on ResearchGate

Jana Möller-Herm on GoogleScholar

Articles in Journals with Double-Blind Review System

Möller-Herm, Jana, Sabrina A. Gottschalk & Alexander Mafael (2024), To post or not to post: How minority opinion and posting frequency impact online review posting, International Journal of Research in Marketinghttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijresmar.2024.08.005

Danatzis, Ilias, Jana Möller-Herm & Steffen Herm (2024), Curbing Customer-to-Customer Misbehavior Contagion in the Sharing Economy, Journal of Business Researchhttps://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0148-2963(23)00819-6

Danatzis, Ilias & Jana Möller-Herm (2023), Stopping the Spread: How Blame Attributions Drive C2C Misbehavior Contagion and What Frontline Employees Can Do to Curb It, Journal of Service Researchhttps://doi.org/10.1177/10946705221150441

Möller, Jana & Steffen Herm (2021), Perceptions of Green User Entrepreneurs’ Performance – Is Sustainability an Asset or a Liability for Innovators?, Sustainability, 13(6), 3580. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063580.

Auschra, Carolin, Jana Möller, Olivier Berthod, Yulia Mazheika & Peter Borusiak (2020). Befundergebnisse verständlich vermitteln – Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie zur Wortwahl in der Ärzt*innen-Patient*innen-Kommunikation, Zeitschrift fuer Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.zefq.2020.07.007.

Danatzis, Ilias, Jana Möller & Christine Mathies (2020). We're So Bad It's Funny - Effects of Using Humour in the Marketing Communication of Low-Quality Service, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 4(2-3), 84-99.

Fonferek, Katharina-Maria, Michael Kleinaltenkamp & Jana Möller (2019), Customer Engagement in the Process of Service Provision, SMR - Journal of Service Management Research, 3 (1), 12-23.

Steffen Herm & Jana Möller (2014), Brand Identification by Product Design - The Impact of Evaluation Mode and Familiarity, Psychology&Marketing, 31 (12), 1084-1095.

Möller, Jana & Steffen Herm (2013), Shaping Retail Brand Personality Perceptions by Bodily Experiences, Journal of Retailing, 89, 438–446.

Möller, Jana & Martin Eisend (2010), A Global Investigation into the Cultural and Individual Antecedents of Banner Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of International Marketing, 18 (2), 80-98.

Eisend, Martin & Jana Möller (2007), The Influence of TV Viewing on Consumers’ Body Images and Related Consumption Behavior, Marketing Letters, 18 (1-2), 101-116.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Wache, Catalina, Jana Möller, Alexander Mafael, Viktoria Daumke, Brenda Fetahi and Nora Melcher (2022), Do Not Buy Our Product – Consumers’ Responses Towards Green-Demarketing Ad Messages. in: Proceedings of the AMS (American Marketing Science) Conference 2021.

Danatzis, Ilias & Jana Möller (2022), Stopping the Spread: The Role of Blame Attributions and Service Provider Measures in Curbing C2C Misbehavior Contagion. in: Proceedings of the AMS (American Marketing Science) Conference 2021.

Möller, Jana, Sabrina Gottschalk & Alexander Mafael (2020). Examining Online Review Posting Preferences, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), Chicago, USA

Gottschalk, Sabrina, Mafael, Alexander & Jana Möller (2019), To post or not to post – Understanding differences in online review posting behavior, in: Proceedings of the 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Gottschalk, Sabrina, Jana Möller & Alexander Mafael (2018), The Impact of Online Review Dispersion on Intention to Post, in: Proceedings of the 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Herm, Steffen, Hans-Markus Callsen-Bracker, Jana Möller & Henning Kreis (2014), The Judge Principle: A New Paradigm for Information Aggregation in Crowdsourcing Processes, in: Proceedings of the 43nd EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Herm, Steffen, Jana Möller & Klaus Heine (2014), Endorser’s Body Posture as an Antecedent of (Luxury) Brand Personality Perception, in: Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference, Singapur.

Brendl, C. Miguel, Vincent Nijs, Eva Walther & Jana Möller (2013), Specific Counter-Conditioning of Brand Attitudes, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), Chicago, USA.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2013), Brand Identification by Product Design in Different Evaluation Modes, in: Karaosmanolu, Elif & A. Ban (Eds.): Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Conference „Lost in Translation – Marketing in an Interconnected World”, Istanbul, Turkey.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2012), Measuring Consumer Confusion Evoked by Design Copycats: The Influence of Evaluation Mode, Proceedings of the Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA), Chicago, USA.

Möller, Jana (2012), How Projection Biases Advertiser’s Ad Effectiveness Prediction, Proceedings of the TUB-ITÜ Joint Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Möller, Jana & Steffen Herm (2011), What Makes a Brand Exciting? The Role of Embodiment in Brand Personality Interpretation, Proceedings of the Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA), San Francisco, USA.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2010), When Things Go Wrong Don’t Rely on Committed Consumers: Effects of Delayed Product Launches on Brand Trust in a Global Environment, Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

Möller, Jana & Steffen Herm (2010), Your Ad Shall Get Your Target, Not You: Perceptual Biases of Persuasion Agents, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2010), Too Late, or Just Later than Announced? Effects on Brand Trust by Delaying Product Introductions in Competitive Situations, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference, New Orleans, USA.

Möller, Jana (2009), The Risk of Service Ineffectiveness due to Value Co-Creation, Proceedings of The Naples Forum on Service: Service-Dominant Logic, Service Science, and Network Theory, Capri, Italy.

Möller, Jana & Martin Eisend (2008), The Impact of Culture on Attitude towards Web Advertising, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research in Advertising, Antwerp, Belgium.

Schuchert-Güler, Pakize, Jana Möller, Kathrin Hahn & Martin Eisend (2006), Explaining the Impact of Salespersons’ Ingratiatory Behavior on Customers: An Attribution Approach, Proceedings of the IFSAM VIIIth World Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Eisend, Martin, Jana Möller & Pakize Schuchert-Güler (2006), Salespeople’s Ingratiatory Behavior and Customers’ Attributions: Effects of Purchase Situation, Sales Commission, and Cognitive Capacity, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece.

Book Chapters

Herm, Steffen, Jana Möller-Herm, Catlina Wache & Alexander Mafael (2023). Please Do Not Buy Our Brand—How Consumers Respond to Green-Demarketing Messages. In: Redler, J., Schmidt, H.J., Baumgarth, C. (eds) Forum Markenforschung 2021. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-39568-1_6

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2018), Polarisierende Marketingkommunikation. In: HTW Berlin, Beiträge und Positionen, Schriften der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2013), Branding by Product Design. In: HTW Berlin, Knaut, Matthias, Zukunft Wirtschaft. Beiträge und Positionen 2013, Schriften der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, S. 160-165, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin.

Articles in National Journals

Möller-Herm, Jana (2024), Vertrautheit schaffen, Entfremdung schaffen: Die Ambivalenz durch Künstliche Intelligenz in der Marketingkommunikation, Ästhetik & KommunikationSommer 2024, 56-60.

Herm, Steffen & Jana Möller (2016), Das EU-Bio-Logo: Eine Kontrolle seiner Wirkung nach fünf Jahren Marktpräsenz, PraxisWISSEN – German Journal of Marketing, 66-78.

Schießl, Michael, Andreas Thölke, Jana Möller & Sabrina Duda (2007), Eye Tracking – Die Kunst des Augenblickes, Dokumentation Publikumszeitschriften, Wie Werbung wirkt, Band 1, Berlin, 02/2007.