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Hello, I am Jana Möller-Herm. I am a researcher in consumer behavior and strategic marketing communication.

I am Full Professor of Strategic Management in the Institute of Communication at the University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin. I am particularly interested in the communicative handling of company misbehavior (‘crisis communication’) and customer misbehavior in service contexts (prevention and intervention), the effectiveness of marketing communication to foster sustainable consumption, and the application of artificial intelligence in marketing communication. My award-winning research has been published in leading academic outlets such as the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Journal of Service Research (JSR), Journal of Retailing (JoR), Journal of Business Research (JBR), Psychology & Marketing, and Sustainability. 

I studied Media and Communication Studies (with a second major in Business Administration) at the Freie Universität Berlin and Management at Unitec in Auckland, New Zealand. I received an Elsa Neumann Scholarship from the State of Berlin for my subsequent doctorate in the field of ‘Brand Perception’ at the School of Business & Economics at the Freie Universität Berlin. As part of my PhD studies, I spent two years as a research scholar at the Marketing Department of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. Before joining the UdK Berlin, I was Assistant Professor of Market Communication at the Marketing Department of the Freie Universität Berlin. There I won the Teaching Award for outstanding teaching in the School of Business & Economics.

Before becoming a professor, I worked as a: telephone interviewer, photographer, market research consultant, salesperson, and web site developer 🙂